48 Week Syllabus

12 chapters/36 units (3 units per chapter) → 1 week per unit plus 1 week for end of chapter review

Resources I am using:
Book: Gregg Shorthand Anniversary Edition Manual (copyright 1929) (also available in PDF) (key in PDF)
Book: Fundamental Drills in Gregg Shorthand (copyright 1932) (also available in PDF) (key in PDF)
Book: Gregg Speed Studies & Graded Readings in Gregg Shorthand (combo edition) (copyright 1929/1930) (keys in PDF)
PDF: Graded Readings in Gregg Shorthand (copyright 1919) *
PDF: Progressive Exercises (with key) (copyright 1929)
PDF: Drills on Chapters of the Anniversary Manual from the Gregg Writer (1929)
PDF: Drills on the Manual Lessons from the Gregg Writer (1930)
PDF: Supplementary Lesson Drills from the Gregg Writer (1931)

(most PDFs can be found at https://gregg-shorthand.com and/or http://gregg.angelfishy.net/ others can be found at archive.org or books.google.com)

week 1 - 3/the unit weeks:
    day 1: read unit - read sentence & dictation drills (anv. book)
    day 2: read unit - read fundamental drills (Fundamental Drills)
    day 3: re-read, and copy sentence & dictation drills (anv. book)
    day 4: re-read and copy fundamental drills
    day 5: read speed study section for the unit, do drills. (book)
    day 6: write sentence & dictation drills (aniv. book)
    day 7: do progressive exercises (Progressive Exercises)

week 4/end of chapter review:
    day 1: read Supplementary Lesson Drills (Gregg Writer) & fundamental drills for unit 1
    day 2: read Drills on the Chapter (Gregg Writer) & fundamental drills for unit 2
    day 3: read Drills on the Manual Lessons (Gregg Writer) & fundamental drills for unit 3
    day 4: read Graded Readings (Graded Readings - 1919*), do writing practice from end of chapter
    day 5: read Graded readings (book)
    day 6: read and copy Speed Studies reading & dictation practice (book)
    day 7: write Speed Studies writing practice and review drills (book)

* this is a pre-Anniversary edition so therefore optional, but I find still useable and useful

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